Saturday, September 27, 2008

Baby On Board (our little stowaway)

Our sailing trip was to be about adventure, uncharted waters, new horizons – well it has delivered, beyond our wildest expectations!

As of September 27, 2008, Caroline is approximately 4.5 months pregnant! Before you flip through your calendars and start trying to figure out the conception, we'll let you know it was shortly after we arrived in Mexico, after our friends/crew Tom and Joe flew home. There is some speculation that the extreme testosterone of these two manly and virile men may have helped jump start our reproductive systems, but that debate is beyond the scope of this post

Do not fear, we got the little tyke off to the right start – traveling through Central America by boat. We made a few changes to our itinerary so that we could accommodate visits to the doctor, but aside from that, we kept on sailing and exploring (re-imagine our previous blog entries now with Caroline pregnant).

What about prenatal medical care in 3rd world countries? Fantastic. We have been to the doctor numerous times without an appointment and been able to see him right away. The doctor spends time with us to answer all of our questions and the cost of a visit (sometimes including an ultrasound) is between $30 and $80. The office may be a little sparse and the equipment basic, but you actually get the feeling the doctor knows you and cares about you. It will be a shock when we get back to Key West and attempt to navigate the health care there without insurance and without a lot of money.

A triumphant return. Having our first, and most likely only, baby on the way, we realized that there are many dignitaries and celebrities that will want to be close at hand as Caroline grows towards the great event. Thus, we have decided to return to Key West for a while. The familiar surroundings, friends, and family will make this event even more joyous and exciting. (We also expect a large contingent of ready babysitters to be on hand.) Another important benefit of Key West is JOBS, which we'll need to keep ourselves stocked in biodegradable diapers, organic baby cream, and full body massages (for the Mom).

We will fly into the USA on October 21, then we will take a road trip to visit Caroline's Dad, Keith's Mom & step-Dad, and various friends in between. Then in mid-November Keith, BikeMan and another crew member will fly back to Guatemala and make a marathon sail back to Key West. Then we'll settle in and prepare for the newest little crew member for the sailing vessel Penzi.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

er Keith, Caroline could we have that in weeks rather than months, i.e. a due date is approximately 40 weeks which I think would be February 19, Aquarius cusp, or Roe could cross her legs until late Feb and have a Pisces. I would recommend the latter for you two Earth signs, not that one can plan these things...


P.S. Still think Tom and Joe's gaseous emissions had something to do with this joyous situation.